Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Not sure why it has struck such a nerve with me....but it has.

Yesterday, someone who really doesn't know me well was playing one of those "games" on know, the one where a picture of one of your "friends" is randomly chosen and then you are asked to type in a response to a "revealing" question about that person....

So apparently my picture popped up and the question is "What makes MaryJane work up a sweat?"

....and her response....drum roll, please....."Being BOSSY"

The ALL CAPS emphasis was hers...not mine....whatever....

Being the "word" person that I am, I decided to give this a fair shot....maybe I misunderstood....maybe there are meanings of BOSSY that I haven't considered.....

Maybe....just maybe...

Here's what I found at --- three entries --- I am going to cut-and-paste here so there won't be any question of interpretation:

Main Entry: 1bossy
1 : marked by a swelling or roundness
2 : marked by bosses : studded

That's the first entry....not at all what comes to mind when I hear the word BOSSY...never thought of BOSSY as descriptive of physical appearance....

...and the thing about being "studded" is a little troublesome to me....been called a lot of things but never "studded" let's look that up (boss=stud) before we move on with BOSSY...

Main Entry: 1boss
1 a : a protuberant part or body b : a raised ornamentation : stud
c : an ornamental projecting block used in architecture
2 : a soft pad used in ceramics and glassmaking
3 : the hub of a propeller

So a BOSS is acutally "ornamental" somehow....interesting....

I do like the idea of the hub of a propeller....imples that a BOSS is productive and makes things go round...creating that moves something forward....

Don't think that's what she meant, though....

Back to BOSSY definition number 2....the first definition was an adjective...this one is a noun:

Main Entry: 2bossy
: cow, calf

Did the woman just call me a HEIFER?!?!? For real?!?! 

*Sigh*  In high school, I was affectionately known as "nanny goat" in a very close circle of friends because I was stubborn & determined & focused....that really didn't bother me so much...

....finally there's definition 3...another adjective:

Main Entry: 3bossy
: inclined to domineer : dictatorial

Ok, ok...a confession here...I've been spending a little too much time with Suzi Parker's book ( -- Sex In The South: Unbuckling The Bible Belt...

So my first reaction upon reading this definition was a DOMINATRIX....that's scary...really scary...

Then it really cracked me, I am NOT going to give you that definition....if you want a good will have to look that one up on your own....

So back to BOSSY....I clicked on "dictatorial" and here's what I found there:

Main Entry: dictatorial
1 a : of, relating to, or befitting a dictator b : ruled by a dictator
2 : oppressive to or arrogantly overbearing toward others

Oppressive....arrogant....& overbearing.....look up MaryJane at and that's exactly what it says, right?!

I hope not.

It's common knowledge that others don't see us as we see ourselves.  So I am going to take this opportunity to take a long hard the re-evaluate where I'm at with myself these days....

It's funny...I have been uncovering the bits & pieces of myself that have been lost, buried or forgotten along the way...for some time now...discarding the ones that I don't like so much...or don't fit in my puzzle anymore...keeping those that do...

Entering this new year I was starting be comfortable with who I am again...and really liking myself...

Now, I'm not so sure.....

Everyone knows you only get one chance to make a first impression....

....and a swollen, overbearing ornamental cow -- a heifer with attitude -- studded or not -- is definitely not how I see myself....nor is it how I would like to be viewed by others....

The very thought of it DOES make me sweat....

...and not in a good way.

Change myself to change my life....that's what God wanted me to know last week...guess I will be spending a little more time on that one...



  1. Makes me wonder, in what context this person made your acquaintance, because I sure don't think that describes you at all. But, I don't play those FB games, consider them an extreme waste of time and now even dangerous.

  2. Reposted from an email from my friend, B.B. :
    I have been reading your stuff and have enjoyed it and never commented but now I must: "Bossy"?

    "Smart","Confident", "Sure", "Teacher",
    "Thoughtful", "Determined", "Mover and Shaker" "Friend"..............those are the words that describe you, my friend!
