Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day....

A winter wonderland.  No other way to describe it.  The kind of snow that we seldom see in Arkansas. 

Unpredicted.  Unexpected.  Beautiful.

Homebound.  For some it was "trapped"...for others a great excuse to stay home & enjoy quality time with loved ones.

It made me think about all those people who...for a variety of reasons...didn't make it home from their Super Bowl festivities of the night before.  You know....playing it safe & staying off the road....or embracing an 'invitation" to sleepover with a friend....whatever the circumstances....

A casual decisions that turned into something....MORE!

One thing is for sure....when you get snowed in somewhere, you get to KNOW the person you are with in some very eye-opening, honest ways.  It's real life...at its best...or its worst...depends on how you look at it...and, of course, who you are with....

It's one thing to spend 24/7 with folks that you know really well...& you like despite all of their quirks & moods. 

At times you might choose to spend that much time with someone because...again, there are a variety of reasons WHY one might do that...the most common one being a deliberate choice to spend your time seeing something besides outside....

It's something entirely different to find yourself someplace....with someone....when it's impossible for you to leave...you're stuck there for who knows how long....with a person you don't know well enough to just relax & be yourself with....or who you do know "well" enough...it's just a different way that you like them...

I think every couple should have to be snowed/iced in together for at least two days before they decide they are are "serious" and start making plans & promises.  There would probably be a lot fewer divorces if they found out that they really didn't LIKE each other enough to just be alone together...for long periods of time...with no one else to offer diversion or lively conversations...

A snowbound experience allows you to discover how deep is someone's shallow...or maybe it's how shallow is their deep...

Either way, it offers a pretty clear picture of what the rest of your life might feel like....I'm just saying....

I spent the day with my daughter, Jessi.  She's always a blast!  We tramped around in the backyard with Pete the Mighty Dog a couple of times.  He was cranky.  We watched movies....and Joan of Arcadia....and The Young & The Restless....that was interesting....seems one of Victor's children who was born after Sharon & Nick were grown & married...is NOW married to Sharon...and now they are close to the same age...imagine that!

LOL...soap operas AND snow days....both reveal a person's true colors...passions...motvations...agendas...unreal expectations...

Bundle up....stay warm....be safe....& find your way home....

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