Sunday, February 14, 2010

Keep Those Messages Coming!

All of you expect me to be fresh....& original....when I blog....I know....

In order to do that, I have to be RE-freshed from time to time....

Right now is one of those times.

This morning's God's Daily Promise was titled "Is God Really In Charge?" 

Ha ha.  Very funny.  That's my best friend, the Creator of the Universe, poking fun at me....again.

It brought me one of my ALL TIME favorite verses:

Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you. The Egyptians that you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you.
You won't have to lift a finger in your defense!"   Exodus 14:13-14 NLT

Went to and read it in a variety of other translations....I liked this one, too...especially when you read on to verse 15:

13 But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. 14 The Lord himself will fight for you.
Just stay calm.”

(Escape through the Red Sea)

15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me?
Tell the people to get moving!
Yesterday was haywire from the get-to. 
So I missed one of my messages it early this morning...& I realized that I should have gotten up when I got that text message from Mary well after midnite & posted it here for her she probably won't read this until she arrives safely embark on a grand adventure..............with ME!
Sorry, Mary.  It's a day late.....but I promise it won't be a dollar short!
From GRACE FOR THE MOMENT (Edition 1) by Max Lucado:
February 13 The Voice of ADVENTURE
Those who try to keep their lives will lose them. 
But those who give up their lives will save them
~Luke 17:33
There is a rawness and a wonder to life.  Puruse it.  Hunt for it.  Sell out to get it.  Don't listen to the whines of those who have settled for a second-rate life and want you to do the same so they won't feel guilty.  Your goal is not to live long;  it's to live!
Jesus says the options are clear. One one side there is the voice of safety.  You can build a fire in the hearth, stay inside,
and stay warm & dry & safe....
Or you can hear the voice of adventure----God's adventure.  Instead of building a fire in your hearth, build a fire in your heart.  Follow God's impulses.  Adopt the child.  Move overseas.  Teach the class. Change careers.  Run for office.  Make a difference.
Sure it isn't safe, but what is?
~ excerpt from He Still Moves Stones
Ok.  So it's not JUST for Mary....
....and the italics & bold were mine for emphasis....
My Valentine's Day weekend has already been amazing. 
Abbi's "love note" warmed my heart.  It will carry me through a lot of trying times. 
Had breakfast with my mom yesterday before the movie rat-race began.  She, of course, told me she loved me as mothers always do.  Then as we ate, she looked me in the eye and in one of the most honest & real moments I ever remember sharing with her, she said "I LOVE YOU" in the most profound way....
It was totally unexpected....I was humbled by her openess & honesty....
....and I realized that God really has been at work....behind the the lives of the people I love the cool is that?!?!
Today is boding well, too.  Had a little something special planned for yesterday's not a BIG thing....but it's something I was really looking forward I am glad that it was able to be rescheduled for makes me smile just thinking about it...
....and this afternoon one of those people I love most in the world is going to "move in" .... she doesn't want to miss the chance to be along for the ride....
Because tomorrow....
....the adventure of a lifetime begins!

1 comment:

  1. Your references to Max touch me. I love anything written by him and I have Grace for the Moment!
