Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Best Friend Is....

My best friend.

I said it outloud. It caught me by surprise...and stunned everyone else in the room as well.

And now that it's been can't be taken back....

And one huge wall came crashing down....before it's time...

Did you know that walls that crash down make a huge mess?!? Lots of debris to be swept up...dealt with...and disposed of...and hopefully it wasn't a load-bearing wall that tumbled down...or the roof will be falling in on top of me next....

I didn't mean to say it...not sure that I was ready to verbalize something that continues to be confusing and frustrating to me on a daily basis...not until I was confident enough to say "we are best friends"...that I was secure in knowing that it's not a one-sided thing...

But I was backed into a corner....and it just came out....

So what is a Best Friend?!?! Went searching on the internet for some definitions...

I know what it means to me...doesn't mean that it means the same thing to anyone else...

Wikipedia says that a best friend is one who shares the strongest kind of friendship.

Ok..the STRONGEST kind of friendship...hmmm...I agree with has always been my practice to establish a friendship with people that become important to me in all areas of my life....before forming stronger, more lasting relationships....

Here's what else I found...

A Best Friend is.....someone whose happiness is essential to your own.

Huh. Well, yeah, I am guilty of that one. Even though I honestly believe that no one can make me happy but me.... trying to help my friends find happiness and celebrating in it when it's found...that's part of the mix...and with best friend...."essential" ...well, let's move on...

A Best Friend is....someone who accepts you just the way you never have to pretend with your best friend.

A Best Friend is....the one who is closest to you.

Danger, Mary Jane, Danger! It's impossible to be "closest" to more than one person at a time! That does not compute!

“When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."

A Best Friend is....someone who knows you as well as you know yourself.

A Best Friend is ...someone who makes your life so much richer by adding to your successes while helping to mitigate your troubles.

A Best Friend is.....someone who will tell you when you are blinded by inaccurate opinions or ideas. There are times when we are derailed by our passions, opinions or habits in such a way that we are subject to do things that are obviously unacceptable to others. A good best friend will come to us and explain why this needs to be identified and corrected.

Hmmm.......interesting.....that one.....and a very, very hard one. Need to spend a little time here...on my circle of closest friends...the ones that I know love me & only care about MY happiness have been weighing in for some time....since I have been pushed a little ahead of myself, it will simply have to be ok for me to hit "pause" and regroup now....

A Best Friend listens without judgment while trying to remain consistent with your values that they know you cherish.

A Best Friend is someone you depend on to help you live your life with a flourish.

Yeah...well...anyway....being best friends is a relationship....a dynamic that takes a lot of work and attention....and it must be two-way....and equally valued by both parties...

Knew it was a bad idea to go there...into that situation....knew that somehow I would be maniuplated....and I was....and I really won't know how the view is going to look without that wall for quite some wasn't one that I was planning to take down for a really long time....or maybe even ever....and there's lots and lots of debris & rubbish to clean up...first...before I can even consider what is on the other side...

So how would you describe a best friend?!?!

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