Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Different View

Took a field trip last was work-related....but involved a group of cool people that are becoming my friends....we were searching for waterfalls....

So off we went...on one of the few beautiful fall days that have shown up this Solgohacia...

My friend, Benny Baker, took us on a tour of the Ozark Conference Center and its grounds.

There were actually two waterfalls....a single one and a twin one. It was an interesting day...with beautiful scenery...and a couple of awesome cardiac workouts as we hiked the paths to and from the waterfalls...

As we discovered the beauty of the place...and the day....we were all awed by the view of Petit Jean Mountain.
It was a different view....from a different place...a different angle...a different perspective than most of us had experienced before.

Much discussion about the depth and the width of the plateau of Petit Jean took place....which lead to memories of personal experiences there...and common people we had all known yet independent of each other.... was refreshing...stimulating...and special...

And a whole new appreciation of a familiar favorite was found that day.

I have been stepping back....trying to figure out why it has been so impossible for me to change remove myself from the road that appears to be ending at "nowhere"....

...afraid to move forward...because of my uncertainty of what's coming next...convincing myself that "stepping back" really is the only answer...

And it's been extremely troublesome & frustrating for me...because timid...afraid...overly cautious...well, that's never really been my style....not until I joined the ranks of the walking wounded...

Then it occurred to me that maybe what I needed to do was to take a look from a different place...look at thngs with fresh eyes...from a vantage point that I haven't considered before....

So here I am at this place.....that seems to be "nowhere"....and I've decided to turn around and look at it from some different angles....
Seriously, what are my options?

I can retreat....make an about face and and head back to where I was before....hoping
to figure out what happened along the way....what detour or shiny object seemed so interesting that it caused you to pause and let me get so far ahead....

Because sometimes that's exactly how it it was a journey that started with company & now it's just me standing in the clearing hoping to see something new...something that makes sense...and nothing does...

Most likely though, I won't find anything worthwhile by backtracking...because whatever it was that captured your moved you along a different path...I could just get lost wandering aimlessly.... wondering which path....and why....and simply be disappointed that everyone doesn't share my sense of adventure...

...and do I really want to go back & retravel a road that I have alreadly left behind somehow concede that it's been wasted time...wasted effort...and of no value to anyone?!?!

Or I can stand on the edge of this place that appears to be a deadend...take a different approach...a new look...scan the see the beauty of what's really out there...the possibilities....the wonder of what's ahead...and I can embrace this place that the road has led me to....and say this IS NOT "nowhere"....
This is where I wanted to be all along... and I am poised and ready for what's coming next....

Why am I so surprised....that the road I have chosen has led me to an edge of something unknown?!?
That's the story of my life.
I have never played it safe...never taken the shortcut...opting for the scenic route whenever possible...always choosing the path less traveled...hoping to discover something that few others have ever seen...up for the challenge...motivated by the risk...knowing that the prize I am seeking isn't ordinary or's rare & special..

So here I am at the edge...the precipice...impatiently waiting patiently....and my choices are to retreat or step out...over the ledge...take the leap of faith....

...and I have been hesitating...waiting for you to catch up...and maybe that's the problem...
Maybe I have it all waiting on you....maybe it's you waiting on decide this road isn't ending in "nowhere" but really and truly is taking me "somewhere"....

...and that all I have to do is take the next step...over the edge...without fear...because you went along the other the same be there to catch me ...if I falter...if I fall...

And what's the worse possible outcome...a big ole bellyflop in the midst of my life...

I've never heard of a fatal bellyflop...have you?!?!
...a different view...a whole new perspective....

1 comment:

  1. Seize the day. Yesterday only matters in that it shaped us and helps us see what works and doesn't. We're creating the future today, so no worries there. Carpe diem, live for today. What amazing paths are you taking today? What fabulous people are you touching today?
