Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Few Random Thoughts...

It was whispered in my ear...."Do you hear Me, MJ?!? Look around. You DO have purpose! You ARE touching lives! Step back. See yourself the way others see you."

In a recent message, Brother Del was talking about finding peace in your life....and he said "glimmer"....yes....that's exactly what he said...."glimmer" of my very favorite words.....

There are some people who come along that you need to invest of some YOUR life matter what they are doing...or how hard their hearts still need to take the time for them....

..having flavor in your life is important....maintain a little attitude....get some oomph in your step...rediscovering the flavor in your life = rediscovering your purpose...

Unhappy people don't want others to be happy,....boring, dead people are always resisting people who have life....

The smile that lights up the universe......LOL..

Stop being who you're not....start being who you are!

It's the blindsides of life that get you!

There are times as friends that we have to say something to someone that they don't want to hear.

OFF with their heads....

TRUTH....just speak the truth!

...then DUNK 'em 7 times in the Jordan!!!!

Reasons we don't live in the NOW!
we feel like we have to impress people with our strength
we don't want to deal with the things in our life that are hard
we don't feel like trusting and/or loving God
----Del Medlin insight there....thanks, Del!

...quit trying to be are not as strong as you think you are...sit down & throw all of YOUR answers out....and weep!!!

What are you doing today to make someday a reality?!?!

let go of your need for answers, in the NOW!!!

then there was the day I was having an approach-avoidance conflict...ha ha...priceless yet true!

God chooses the choicest blessings to bestow on me....cuz I am the ONE He loves....oh, yeah...serenidipty!

It's all about choices.....everyone gets to take their choices into their own hands

another whisper...."MJ, you can unplug now....allow yourself to go into "sleep" mode"

Allow yourself to become vulnerable...learn how to open your can be filled with spontaneous, wonderful, exciting things....that just happen....serendipity again....

....interesting the serendipity event happened AFTER I had recorded these random thoughts in my journal....these musings ramble over the first three months of 09....very cool to look at them now...with the perspective of hindsight....

life isn't very much fun unless you have someone to share it with...

Who do you want to be....TODAY?!?!

Pinnocchio.....he becomes a REAL boy in the end....every single time....

people don't make deep friendships because they are afraid of getting hurt...people are afraid because they don't feel loved....great relationships are built on deep friendships....great relationships = love

be honest & real with YOUR feelings....that opens the door for honesty & real in others

end of ramble....probably makes absolutely no sense to anyone but me....that's ok....these are MY life lessons afterall!

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