Monday, December 28, 2009

Train of Thought....

You never really know....until you really let go.

Letting go isn't the same as giving up.

Never give up on someone you think about every day.

Never give up...ever.

Nothing more.




Letting go.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Clarity

Sometimes the best gift is the one you didn't ask for...and aren't really sure how to open up the box...and you look inside...& you think "hmmm what's that?!?!"

Then you lift it hold it up...turn it this way & that...viewing it from every possible angle...& you wonder, "Huh. What am I supposed to do with THAT?!?"

So you look at the giver...a little awkwardly...& you simply say "Thank you"...puzzled by the entire exchange.

Nothing is ever as it seems.

Faith is believing in something you can't least that's what they say....others say that seeing is believing...

All I know is that it's hard to believe...and to keep on believing....even when everyone else tells you there's really nothing there to believe in....

Clarity. Hard & cold. A true reality check. That's what I got for Christmas this year.

Hopefully, once I figure out how to get into it....wiggle around to make it fit just right....that eventually it will fill comfortable...& who knows, maybe I will even decide that I like the way it looks...the way it feels...

...maybe not...

It wasn't what I asked for....but most likely it was exactly what I needed....

...and now I am feeling much like Rudolph....unnecessary & misfit....searching for those missing puzzle pieces...scattered on the road to nowhere...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Laugh Out Loud!

God, the Creator of the Universe, & I are great friends. We talk everyday.
I am a never-ending source of humor for Him as I meander my way through life. I don't do things quite like other people do...I take chances & perspective is often unique & quirky....I know it...He knows it, too.

...and lots of people don't "get" me. He does.
He fashioned me "this" way, after all....

Often, when things are just TOOOO funny, I find myself rolling on the floor....laughing uproariously....tears streaming down my cheeks...
side-splitting silliness...natural rollicking myself...when suddenly....or randomly....the light bulb flashes on....and I see simply & clearly... whatever it is that I have been misreading....or missing....or not even been aware of...

...and there He is....laughing right along with's the most amazing have your best friend rolling on the floor with the midst of your chaos & confusion....laughing...laughing....and, yes, God snorts when He is highly amused...seriously, it's not a GOOD laugh unless you snort!

I have shared the stories of these experiences with others....some of whom know that I am not nuts....others who raise their eyebrow or roll their eyes...thinking "That, MJ! What an imagination!"

Those who know me well know that I find validations to the bigger truths the little things that really aren't significant on their fortune cookies....songs on the radio at unexpected horoscope...random comments made by people...and recently the cool daily email that I have been receiving from, ahem, The Universe.....

Tough week this week. I am drained emotionally. It was bound to happen sooner or later...and encouragement & support has been been flowing in...from everywhere...and this morning in my inbox:

Just wanted to remind you, MaryJane, that sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed.

And I must say, you've done well for yourself.
Yeah us!
The Universe

By the way, MaryJane, you're on my vision board this very moment, with your new exciting & fun business... giggling.

Did you hear that?!?

God is giggling....about me...again!

All is right in my world!

Monday, December 14, 2009


It's very late....and I am winding down from the trainwreck that was today.

At the Selah concert...during intermission....Jessi left her seat with Abbi and their dad...and in a strange pew in a strange church...she found I was sitting alone....and she wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear..."I love you, Mom!"

That was after Todd had sung...."It is is well...with my soul..."

It was a special moment and I was touched....deeply.

Jessi has been moving all around the house since we got home...impatiently...anxiously....

As she was heading upstairs to bed, she poked her head into my room to say good nite. And I asked her what she had been doing...and she looked away...guilty but offering no admission.

*Sigh* I knew it.

She'd brought in and undone another box of Christmas things....after I had told her not to do that tonite...which means tomorrow a bit of time will have be given to undoing and re-arranging the mess she's made for me.

So I fussed at her a little...and she hung her head....and she said, "I'm sorry, Mom. I just wanted YOUR angels to be out tonite....watching while you sleep." Then she headed upstairs.

I rounded the corner into the den...and I heard again Todd & Amy...with Allan in the background...

Fall on your knees...oh hear the angel voices....

More than Jessi-talk this says "I love you, Mom!"

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Gifts are to be given freely....from the heart...with no strings attached....

And, yes, the joy is in the giving!

Somehow, this time, I got confused...turned around...sidetracked....reminds me of the time I got lost taking a walk in my neighborhood a few years ago...only to find that I wasn't actually lost...just going a different way....

*sigh*....yeah, a different way...

Please forgive me for my selfishness...for wondering...for complicating the gift...

I am sorry.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Destinies Are A Dime A Dozen!

If you are my friend on Facebook, then you have noticed that along with a random horoscope here and there....and those cool messages that come from "Today God Wants You To Know"...I often post validations I get from The Universe....

Those come in the form of a daily email that I was introduced to by a friend earlier this year....and amazingly, much like the things God wants me to's as if the message is being sent to me personally....

cool stuff.... anyway, here's today's message from The Universe:
Should you choose to go, do, and be, MaryJane, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's good fortune must have been your destiny.
Or, should you choose to wait, wish, and hope, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's bad luck must have been your destiny.
MaryJane, do you see what the difference is?
It ain't me,
The Universe

....I am planning to blog, for real, over the between decorating the house for Christmas with Jessi...I am looking forward to both activities very much....and there's a lot on my mind....