Sunday, September 13, 2009

Girardi Tidbits....

Been watching a "Joan of Arcadia" marathon with Jessi this afternoon....think it must have been Season 1...and every episode is a parable uniquely crafted....I loved the show when it was "on" and it still speaks to me in a timeless fashion....

At times I think I AM Joan....even though she is in high school....and I am, well, I am not in high school even though it feels that way sometimes...

Life is just life...

Joan: Iris...She seems very nice...
Adam: Yeah. I like her a lot.
Joan: So you want me to like her a lot, too?
Adam: No. I want you to like ME.
Joan: I don't just like you, Adam.
Adam: I want that, too.

....and then the more mature couple....Will & Helen Girardi....Joan's parents....

Helen: So, do you believe in hell?
Will: I believe in a place without you.
Helen: There's no place like that, I promise.

.....and then at the vending machine....

Joan: I am just looking for some change...
God: Change comes from within, Joan

....and she looked just like I do at times when God so deliberately hits me over the head with some obvious truth.....

All in was a pleasant evening....and I am glad that Jessi saved Season 2 for another time....because the one where Joan learns to juggle really gets to me....every single time...

SIDEBAR: Just looked at the titles of the Episodes in Season 1....and one of them is titled....."DO THE MATH" da bing! And my best friend, the Creator of the Universe continues to roll on the floor laughing with me!

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